Jamey O. Graham Ministries
Saving Souls, Empowering Lives, and Helping People to Win in Life.
If you wish to submit a request for a service(s), please submit your request via email at jameyograham@gmail.com
All inquiries will be responded to within 48 hours.

To preach, teach, and propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ and further the cause of the kingdom of God in the state of South Carolina, the United States of America and in foreign lands. To fulfill the Great Commission of Christ by supporting those performing the work of carrying the gospel as missionaries, both corporate and individuals.
- To minister the Word of God and spread the Gospel by conducting religious services and evangelistic crusades in established churches and in public meeting facilities, through various forms of ministries, and through all lawful means, under the direction of the Lord Jesus Christ in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Holy Bible.
- To engage in the functions of media broadcasting, including, but not limited to television, AM, FM, FM-multiplex transmissions, satellite translators, and other means of electronic transmissions of music and messages; to own, sell, hold, lease, equip, maintain, and operate broadcasting and receiving stations; and to transmit, receive, retransmit, or collect by electronics means, religious music, sermons, teachings, plays, or any other thing of a religious nature which may be transmitted by radio, or electronic signals.
To establish and maintain Bible and Training schools, that will train ministers and missionaries to make disciples and winners in life, while promoting the Kingdom of God.
To share the good news of economic empowerment with those who are struggling, helping them to use their faith to overcome obstacles that keep them from obtaining financial freedom and debt free living.
To act within charitable and benevolent concern toward the indigent and
impoverished through the distribution of food, clothing, and financial aid. The ministry strives to provide short-term shelter and long-term housing to truly needy and deserving individuals and families, as funds and resources are available.