When the Goodness of God Meets You

David says to God in Psalm 21:3,“For You meet him with the blessings of goodness; You set a crown of pure gold upon his head.”  In so many words, David says, that the Goodness of God meets him with blessings.

This is a wonderful revelation about the Goodness of God in the life of the believer.  Many people are familiar with the Shepherd Psalm, Psalm 23:6, where David has the assurance that Goodness and Mercy will follow him, like a big brother, or a guardian angel, or a good shepherd watching over him, following him to protect him!  But Psalm 21:3, gives us a different perspective on the Goodness of God.  It shows that Goodness is forever in front of you – going before you, and meeting you with blessings?  What a revelation to know that Goodness is forever going before you preparing blessings for you?  What a revelation to know that Goodness is forever meeting you, bringing you blessings that you need and many times do not deserve.

David says again, “Goodness, you meet me with blessings.”  In other words, according to Psalm 68:19, David is saying, “Goodness meets me daily loading me with benefits, loading me with blessings!”  That’s why he said, “Blessed bethe Lord, whodaily loadeth us with benefits, eventhe God of our salvation.”  He realizes that Goodness is constantly meeting him daily, loading him with blessings.

Beloved, when I first received this revelation, I started looking back over my life and I could see the Goodness of God going before me and preparing blessings on my behalf.  I could see the Goodness of God constantly meeting me with blessings on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. I could see the Goodness of God constantly meeting me with simple, subtle, and supernatural blessings!  This is what I call God’s divine providence at work in my life.

This new revelation of the Goodness of God reminded me of one hot Summer day, when the Goodness of God met me through my Mother, who said, “Jamey we are going to revival tonight.”  But Goodness did not stop with my mother that day, Goodness met me at the church and preached the gospel to me, to the point that I cried out, “What must I do to be saved?  And Goodness saved me that Thursday night!”

When I accepted the call to preach the Gospel, Goodness met me in the person of Dr. Ralph Gause whom I led to the Lord, and he said to me, “You need to go to College.”  But Goodness did not stop with Dr. Gause, Goodness worked through the late Dr. Wescott Johnson, my Moderator who sent word before me to Dr. Lun C Richardson to accept me into Morris College.  And guess what, when I got on the campus of Morris College, Goodness met me several times through Dr. Lun C. Richardson, Professor Victoria Duncan, Dr. Liz Bell, Dr. Bobby Brisbon, and Dr. Latta Thomas to help pull out the best in me.

But Goodness didn’t stop there, when I needed to go to Seminary, Goodness went before me in the form of a letter sent by Dr. Latta Thomas.  When I stepped on the Campus of Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, Goodness met me with a full ride scholarship – all expenses paid.

This is just a few examples of Goodness meeting me with blessings.  When I needed a wife – a help meet – Goodness gave me an invitation to come preach at the Saint Mark AME Church in Kingstree, South Carolina.  And when I went to preach at Saint Mark that day, Goodness met me with a tremendous blessing.  Goodness brought to me, my wife to be, Yvette LaShawn Dukes.

According to Romans 2:4,one of the first things the Goodness of God will bring to you is Salvation.  It is the Goodness of God who leads you to repent and be saved.  Yes, it was Goodness who brought salvation to me.  It was Goodness who brought my wife to me.  It was Goodness who brought Saint John Baptist Church to me after I graduated from Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School. Goodness knows how to meet you with blessings!

David said, “You meet me with the blessings of Goodness!  You put a crown of pure gold on my head!  In other word, Goodness makes me king!  Goodness anoints me to reign in life! 

Confession:  Lord, I thank You that Your Goodness not only follows me all the days of my life, but Your Goodness also goes before me preparing blessings for me.  I thank You that Your Goodness is forever meeting me to load me with blessings daily.  Thank you that Your Goodness crowns me with power, authority, and Your anointing so that I can reign in life!  In Jesus name, Amen.